Text and email services

You can use our text message and email service which will allow you to receive information about your rent account 24/7.

If you text “Balance” to 07860035589 from a number that we hold against your rent account you can receive a message with the current balance on your account.

You can also request a full rent statement if you text “Statement” to 07860035589. This will forward a statement to the email address we hold against your account.

Please be aware that the above email address is not monitored and all other enquiries should go through our online services or via our contact us page.

If you would like to access these services please ensure that we have your current and up to date contact details.

Contact us

Main Number 500700
Emergency Maintenance Service 500799
Maintenance Line 500799
Calls will be recorded for training purposes

Opening Hours Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
(Closed on Thursday 2pm - 5pm)

Andium Homes Limited 33-35 Don Street St Helier Jersey JE2 4TQ