Andium Homes – Annual Report 2015
We are delighted to be publishing our Annual Report which covers activity and results for 2015.
Our 2014-2019 Strategic Business Plan made a number of commitments and the annual report demonstrates our achievements against that ambitious plan, and the significant progress we have made in delivering on those promises.
Key highlights include:-
- 79 homes fully refurbished: with 88% of homes now meeting the Decent Homes Standard, above target by 4%
- 96 new build homes completed and let
- £11.5 million investment in the maintenance of our 4,500 homes
- Effective rent collection: arrears at a historic low of below 1% of annual rent roll
- Office move to Don Street with improved client facilities and six day opening introduced at no extra cost
- Choice based lettings introduced, so clients can register their preference in where they live resulting in over 50,000 more website hits per month on
- Procurement of a new Housing Management and Finance System to improve efficiency and client services to go ‘live’ in 2017
- £1.1 million underspend against budget
- 14 homes sold to tenants, with £4.6 million received from property sales
- Annual return paid to the States of £27.4 million
- Staff sickness levels below target at an average of 4.4 days per employee
- Enhanced contracts procured for key maintenance activities, enhancing the services for clients, whilst offering financial savings in the long term.
- Company asset value increased by £32.7 million to £723 million
Michael Jones, Chairman of the Andium Homes Board said:- “I believe we have made excellent progress during our first full year of operation and I would like to thank my fellow Board members, our staff and stakeholders for their tireless work and commitment. Andium Homes is already developing a reputation for delivering efficient and effective services and future-focused housing solutions. The Company is in a strong position to take advantage of the opportunities that the future holds”
The Annual Report 2015 can be downloaded from the Andium Homes website:-