Andium Homes publishes new Environmental Good Practice Guide

Andium Homes is pleased to publish a new Environmental Good Practice Guide, which demonstrates the issues we take into account when designing developments and also highlights the importance of incorporating wildlife measures into new schemes. We are aware that some developments can put pressure on the natural environment, but quality homes that meet biodiversity objectives can be achieved by adhering to relevant legislation, planning policies and biodiversity guidance early on in the planning process. The Environmental Good Practice Guide has been produced in partnership with the Environment Department and is intended to assist our designers in making planning applications that meet the relevant States of Jersey legislation and we hope that it will encourage other developers to integrate biodiversity conservation into their schemes.
Deputy Stephen Luce, Minister for Environment said “We know that Islanders place huge value on the environment and want to keep our countryside green and pleasant. It’s becoming more and more important that every development delivers some benefit for our flora and fauna and I’m encouraged that Andium put this issue high up in their list of priorities.”
Daniel Houseago, Director – Environmental Management and Rural Economy, said “I’m pleased to support Andium Homes in their efforts to provide homes for islanders whilst reducing their impact on the natural environment. Many studies show that well thought out development schemes can significantly reduce their impact on wildlife, but that it is important to ensure that such design is carried out at an early stage of project development rather than retrofitting, after the negative impact has been caused. It is hoped that the Good Practice Guide will be used widely by the development industry in Jersey to support local wildlife initiatives.”
Andium Homes is proud to be a member of the Eco Active business network and will strive to achieve our objectives by following this guidance as we carry out our significant programme of refurbishment, regeneration and redevelopment schemes across the Island. Through careful planning and design, Andium Homes is able to achieve its vision whilst also protecting and enhancing Jersey’s biodiversity.
Mike Porter, Head of Operations for Andium Homes said “this is a very positive example of what can be achieved in partnership. This important document will not only assist our own Design Teams, but others developing land and bringing ecological and environmental enhancements”