Comptroller & Auditor General – Housing Repairs and Maintenance Report

Michael Jones, Chairman of Andium Homes Limited, has responded positively to the Comptroller & Auditor General’s report.

​Michael Jones said, Andium Homes is committed to being open and transparent in respect of procurement for the services we provide and we recognise that external review is an invaluable means of providing confidence to the Public. 

I am pleased that the Comptroller & Auditor General’s report positively recognises good practice within our maintenance services, particularly the acknowledgement of high levels of client satisfaction with responsive repairs. This reflects our dedication to service delivery.  

The recommendations are also well received, with many already identified and embedded within our Strategic Business Plan, published on our website in October 2014. 

The report recognises that Andium Homes is following best practice in the management of housing repairs and maintenance. For example, we exceed best practice targets for the proportion of work undertaken on a planned basis and actively monitor client satisfaction levels, which already exceed those of comparable organisations. There is also recognition of the efforts made in engaging with our clients.

Andium Homes has already put in place measures to address the key points raised and we are pleased that the C&AG’s report reinforces the targets set out in our Strategic Business Plan.

  • Andium Homes is working with the Jersey Construction Council and its members to assist in the development of local companies. The Andium Homes Board has already decided to retender the response repairs contracts during 2015, and the C&AG’s recommendations will be helpful in designing that tender process.


  • Andium Homes has recognised the need to improve management information and approved our Information Technology Strategy in November 2014.


  • Andium Homes is the only local social housing provider with a Tenants Forum which has been in place since 2007. We continue to offer opportunities for clients to engage with us, each home now having a nominated Andium contact. We also have a tenant as a Director on our Board and will shortly be recruiting a second.

Andium Homes is encouraged to have received this positive review within seven months of incorporation. It demonstrates the commitment from the Board and staff to providing quality services and value for money.