Andium Homes is a compassionate and responsible landlord and we have a strong record of working with clients who experience financial difficulties from time to time. We fully intend to continue operating in this way during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
We expect that in all normal circumstances, you will continue to pay your rent when it is due.
If you pay by Direct Debit, Standing Order or through Income Support you do not need to do anything unless you think that your rent may not be paid because your income may have been affected, in which case you should contact us immediately on 500700. .
Paying your rent at the Post Office – A number of tenants still do this on a weekly basis and continuing to do this means that you are potentially exposing yourself to contact with other people and therefore increasing the risk of
catching or passing on COVID-19. Please consider doing one of the following:
- Contacting us to set up a Direct Debit; or
- Paying your rent through our on-line secure web portal
If you absolutely have no option but to pay at the Post Office then consider doing so less frequently, once a month perhaps rather than once a week.
If you know that you are going to struggle to pay your rent – Contact Us Immediately – We can help
Should you go into arrears or your normal payment method, Direct Debit for example, should fail we will contact you to confirm that everything is OK and to make you aware of the fact that rent has not been received.
If the reason that rent has not been paid is linked to the COVID-19 Pandemic then we will provide advice and reassurance in particular:
- That we will work with Customer & Local Services to assist in getting Income Support claims approved quickly
- We will discuss options with you for paying rent differently or in the case of arrears accruing setting up an interest free payment plan with you to repay it over a reasonable period
NEW Income support claimants can work out what you will be entitled to and how to go about making a claim using the Income Support Calculator
EXISTING Income support claimants, who have all or part of their rent paid by Income Support all ready, should contact Income Support by email with details of any change in circumstances.