Le Geyt decoration works

We are pleased to advise that we are planning to redecorate all external and internal communal areas to all blocks at Le Geyt.

The decoration works will be carried out by Alex McAuley Painters & Decorators and is programmed to commence on Wednesday 9th September or shortly thereafter.

To begin the work scaffolding will be erected where necessary around the perimeter of the properties to allow the contractor to safely carry out the works.

Andium Homes kindly requests that parents or adults responsible for children who may be visiting take the time to advise their children of the dangers associated with scaffolding and to ensure that they do not play or climb on the scaffolding.

We would also appreciate it if you could ensure that private belongings, for example plant pots are kept away from the building to allow the contractor to power wash and decorate the area when required.

Colour Choice

Prior to starting the decoration we have asked the decorators to paint three colour choices within the communal area of each block and on the exterior painted walls around the estate.

We would like to hear from clients as to which colour choice they prefer within each individual block and around the exterior painted areas.

A newsletter and voting slips have been delivered to all addresses this week. We would appreciate your input in indicating your preferred colour choice on your voting slip. When you have completed your preferred colour choice please leave the slip in the post box which will be temporarily installed at outside each block.

If possible we would appreciate it if you could make your colour choice and deposit the slip in the post box within one week of receiving the newsletter.

The colour chosen by the majority of residents will be used in each given block and on the exterior walls.

Duration of work

It is anticipated that the works will take around eight weeks to complete dependent on the weather. Please be aware of wet paint whilst this work is being carried out.

We apologise for any inconvenience this project may cause if you have any concerns please feel free to contact us on 500700.

Please note that any other maintenance issues should be reported to us by the e-mail address repairs@andiumhomes.je and telephone number 500799 or our online repairs service