Andium Homes is delighted to see the final stage of the Le Squez regeneration approved by the Planning Applications Committee.
A tender process is underway which will see demolition of the remaining original homes commence in the next couple of months. Work on delivering the approved 154 new homes will follow. The accommodation will be a mix of one, two and three bedroom affordable homes, creating an environment which will be generally free of surface car parking, where pedestrians and cyclists take priority in the streets and courtyards. This will include many community facilities and a dedicated community room.
Andium Homes recognizes the importance of maintaining strong community spirit and therefore many of the existing residents have already been, or will be relocated to other phases of this project.
David Morris, Head of Capital Projects said “We are delighted that plans have been approved and we can now commence work on this final stage. The residents of Le Squez have been very patient in waiting for these new homes and the recent approval will allow us to deliver these in line with our Capital Programme. This approval will significantly contribute to the Island Plan’s commitment to deliver 1,000 affordable homes by 2020.
The Planning Applications Committee noted the statements made by the Jersey Architecture Commission, ‘this scheme has the potential to be an exemplary work providing new residential accommodation of the highest quality… the enormous benefit of the future residents.’