As part of our ongoing commitment to improving the services we offer to our clients, we are pleased to advise that Andium Homes will be opening its doors at a new location on Monday 8th June.
Our office will be based at 33-35 Don Street, St Helier. Our contact numbers and email addresses remain the same.
Whilst the Don Street office is smaller than the current building at Jubilee Wharf, it offers far greater space on the ground floor, providing an improved reception area, more discreet meeting space and private interview rooms for appointments. The location is also more central and offers better access for clients. We know these changes will improve your experience when you visit us.
The move to the new premises and the enhanced facilities it offers for clients has also given us the opportunity to review our services. We are delighted to advise that we have taken the decision to extend our opening hours to include Saturday mornings. You will be able to access the same services that are currently available to you Monday to Friday, offering greater flexibility for you when you need to see us.
Our office will therefore be opening from 9am to 1pm every Saturday, commencing Saturday 4th July.
Please come and visit us after we have moved and see the improved facilities available to you.
If you have any queries about these changes please get in touch with us on 500700.
Download "How to find us" document (size187mb)