Reassurance for residents of our High Rise buildings

Obviously, our thoughts and prayers are with all those involved in the horrific and tragic incident that has occurred this morning at the Grenfell Tower in London, where a huge fire has raged through a high-rise residential tower block.
The safety of our tenants is paramount, and in order to offer reassurance, Officers from Andium Homes will be out visiting residents of all our 11 high-rise buildings throughout the day. We understand that the Fire Service will also be visiting residents to promote the “stay put” message and to also offer reassurance. 
The cause of the fire in London is yet to be confirmed and will likely involve a lengthy investigation. We will continue to monitor the situation as it unfolds to understand if there is anything that we need to review, however, we are satisfied that our buildings and systems are safe. 
Anyone wishing to have a specific visit is asked to call our main office number 500700 to arrange an appointment.