We are getting “Workplace Ready”

Andium Homes is doing all it can to protect its clients and staff against the spread of (Covid-19) Coronavirus.

In light of the most recent advice from the Government, we are now taking the necessary steps to make our Office in Don Street safe for our staff to return. This will, however, be carried out in a staged way, in line with Government guidance and our own Risk Assessments. Only a small number of staff will return during Level 3 of the Governments Safe Exit Framework, those staff who we believe can provide a more essential service for our clients by being in the office.

For the time being, our staff continue to work remotely, from home, delivering all our usual services whilst our office must remain closed to visitors.

If you have an urgent issue, please call us on 500700 or for Maintenance issues, please continue to call 500799
Don’t forget, you can access our services using Andium@Home, our self-service Client App and Web Portal. Directions on how to get the App can be found on our website andiumhomes.je

We are determined to continue to offer services to you, but in a safe way for all.